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How are current supply chain issues impacting our ability to obtain Amtrykes?


COVID-related challenges in both the manufacturing and shipping industries had a significant impact upon our chapter’s ability to get Amtrykes for our Wish List riders.  Unfortunately, supply chain disruptions, delivery delays and rising costs have become a bike industry norm, rather than an exception. We have been facing this challenge since the start of COVID and it appears that it will continue to be an issue for at least another year.  



So...what is the Music City Trykes plan?​

  1. We have been actively seeking trykes that have been outgrown or are no longer in use through our reCycle program. This will allow us to get as many children currently waiting out and rolling. If you have a tryke or know of one that could be reCycled, please find our reCycle Form here. If you have filled out this form - thank you! We appreciate your patience as we work with our team of volunteers to identify the next rider on the list that needs that model as well as the logistics of getting the tryke from you. 

  2. We are looking into ways to continually engage and support our current riders with community based events including collaborating with other local nonprofits to engage our riders and families.  



Are you still accepting applications for your Wish List?

No. In order to Amtryke unless a reCycle becomes available. Our reCycle program works just like our Wish List program. If your child has been waiting the longest for a frame that comes back to us in good condition we will offer that to him or her. We ask for your patience, however, as this process (from picking up, cleaning up, safety checking and fitting) all on volunteer hours can take time. 


Are you still getting quotes for private fundraising orders? 

No.  If your family is planning to do private fundraising and purchase your child’s Amtryke with our chapter’s assistance (evaluation assist, building of the tryke and fitting) we are happy to request a formal quote and send it your way. In order to “get in line” for one of the back ordered Amtrykes you must submit payment up front.  We know how frustrating it can be knowing that your child’s Amtryke may be several months away from delivery. We wish the situation was better and look forward to the day we can announce these issues have passed. 



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